Grounds are 100% Parvo and Disease Free Until Our Pups Are fully Vaccinated! Just a few days away from starting or your pup may be ready to start Tito’s Tales which is under the Dogs Life menu of the website. Spanky has kind of started to play keep away and...
Grounds are 100% Parvo and Disease Free and Soon our pups will be fully vaccinated and us not worry about these diseases too much. Our pups are just a few days away from starting Tito’s Tales which can be found in the Dogs Life section of the website. Multiple...
Grounds Are Free of Parvo and Disease! Our pup is about ready to start Tito’s Tales within a few days. No rush though at all. Still want to build tons of confidence if needed and just keep challenging your pup with Bird Boy or winger thrown marks. I love thru...
Grounds Are Parvo and Disease Free Until Our Pup is 100% Vaccinated! Spanky is about 7 days of training away from starting Tito’s Tales! Clearly our pup’s abilities have grown by tons. Do NOT push your pup to excel, yet only take the small steps and...
Our pup is about a week away from starting Tito’s Tales which is under the Dogs Life section of the website. Here we’re readying some 2 inch harder bumpers with mallard wings using zipties. I’ll soon switch all my pups to nothing but winged bumpers...