Run Like You Train For Hunt Tests – Verbal and Non Verbal Casting

Chris Akin, owner of Webb Footed Kennel, educates us about how and why dogs become hunt test wise. There is a lot of training put into our animals that can be undone by hunt tests or trials. So, there are a few things that we can do to make sure our dogs don’t...

Why E-Collars Are A Great Investment

Chris Akin, owner of Webb Footed Kennel, talks about the major changes that have come to the e-collar industry. Simpler use, better quality and affordability.

Keeping Your Dogs From Breaking

Chris Akin, owner of Webb Footed Kennel, gives us a little insight into why it’s important to always keep our dogs from breaking. Once dogs start breaking it’s almost impossible to trust them in hunt test or hunting situations. So, its important we steady...