Harry, owned by Shane Richardson. This video portrays two marks and a blind setup for dogs running derby marks and qualifier style blinds. We are building this pups abilities to run big marks and blinds thru shorter clearer pictures. It’s all about slowly...
Ayza, owned by Freddy King. Hillsides and ditch lines cause dogs to square. This setup shows how to correct a dog for squaring and sliding back towards old falls. There are several ways to correct on marks but this is one way I commonly use.
Ayza, owned by Freddy King. These marks are in the realm of Derby or Qualifier depending on how they are thrown. Here we teach our dogs a marking setup based on terrain and geographic changes and to challenge big water. Dogs must learn to trust themselves. This setup...
Dee, owned by Coby Pearce. This is a standard setup for training derby marks which includes a blind. It shows the issues some dogs may have while challenging a mark. Bird placement provides tons of suction on the blind. A great training setup for young dogs advancing...