Lou-C, owned by Wayne Rutledge. This video shows a young pup being taught the “Traffic Cop Stop” and graduating to slow steadiness on the place stand for “Stand Alone” marks.
Hevi, owned by Emmanuel Alvarez. This video shows the training of a young started dog on cheating singles and angle entries with stronger concepts thrown in. Over the point water mark and land to water to land longer marks. We teach our pups to drive further and...
Zeke, owned by John Swygert. Started Junior level dogs need lots and lots of marks. It’s best to keep marks separated enough that returning to old falls do not become an issue. We want our pups to be successful while pushing them to deeper cover and longer...
Hevi, owned by Emmanuel Alvarez. This video shows a young started dog slowly being stretched out across land and water while slowly being de-cheated. Stimulation is very light but effective in the long run without damaging drive or desire. We want to slowly decheat...
Heavy owned by Emmanuel Alverez. This started marking drill incorporates a Retriev-R-Trainer Versa Launcher to mimic several longer retrieves from close quarter shots. This is a great drill to get young dogs ready for many retrieves in a tight area with one or two...
Ryder, owned by Colby Lane. Once started dogs have a good understanding of the mechanics of the retrieve and driving well longer distances in clean areas it’s time to graduate them over to cover. Here we start teaching concepts to our pup that’s at started...